Meet the Instructors and Types of Classes

Dance Fitness with Brittney

Dance Fitness with Brittney 


This class will be a combination of Latin, Hip Hop, Rumba, Salsa, Cumbia, Zumba Originals, Twerk, and rhythms of all kind combined into a variety of Choreos to feed the passion of dance & satisfaction of a great workout. Such a healthy way to express ourselves through movement, exercising the mind & soul as well, for anyone of any body type, age, or gender to just come and dance & have a blast with me through some good music!


Yoga with Alexandra


All levels yoga. This class is a balance of focused alignment, playful transitions and exploration of the mind-body connection.


Awareness Through Movement-

Awareness Through Movement- Wednesday’s Weekly beginning November 8 Discover the Feldenkrais Method. The Feldenkrais Method® is a gentle, somatic movement method for every and anyone, to create more comfort, ease, and well-being in your physical and mental body. Through mindful movement you can reduce pain, improve brain function, and enhance the body’s natural abilities, expanding its capacity for healing.

Awareness Through Movement® lessons (ATMs) are a series of structured movement sequences utilizing attention, perception, and imagination. By understanding and identifying your habits in movement, you will develop a greater awareness of what your body needs and develop new patterns of movement which will support your authenticity and range of motion.

*Participants can bring a yoga mat and/or blanket and small towel for their head—(but most lessons

can be done from a chair if necessary.)

Facilitator Addie Greer is a certified student teacher of the FELDENKRAIS METHOD® studying under the renowned international FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner and Trainer, Alan Questel, GCFP/TCM who trained under Moshe Feldenkrais himself.


Yoga with Margaret


Cardio Dance with Dawn


Cardio Dance – a 60 minute low-impact cardio class designed to help you break a sweat, in the most fun, most liberating kind of way!   Moves are choreographed to a mixture of music from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and today’s top 40.  The choreography is easy to follow and verbal cueing is provided so you know what moves are coming next. 

Social Dance with Wayne- 

This would be focused on developing social dance skills including dance floor etiquette as well as fundamental proficiency in any number of common dances.

At the present time I would like to focus on West Coast Swing and Country Western Two Step. I have the capability of instructing in a variety of additional dances based on the desire of class attendees.

Although it is always good to have a partner, it is not a requirement in my classes as we practice rotation so everyone gets a chance to dance.

Feldenkrais Method


Yoga with Kyle-

Kyle started her love for yoga in 2003 and after moving from Pennsylvania to Los Angeles in 2004, she
immersed herself in her practice with teachers like Shiva Rae, Micheline Berry and Hala Khouri. Drawing
from a love for music and the energy it can bring into vinyasa flow, the yoga culture in Venice Beach
inspired her personally and helped counterbalance the intensity of life in the city. She left LA to travel
around the world, deepening her practice through adventure, music, and culture. Kyle landed in Pagosa
Springs, CO in 2009 seeking to grow routes in a community that is based in a love for the outdoors. She
was certified at Shambhava School of Yoga in Nederland, CO and has been teaching at multiple spaces in
our community ever since. Her personal practice has shown her how important it is to balance outdoor
adventure with yoga. The ability to be in tune to your body and feel what is needed to recover from
injuries and ailments is paramount to come back to, especially as you age. Guiding students through
their practice and seeing the energy it cultivates, has brought joy into her life that is unmatched.